What Lies Beneath: The Hidden Gifts in Our Epidemic
We are living through what I’ve been calling “the bridge time” — the transition period between two very different realities. The old reality is marked by linear thinking (past-present-future; beginning-middle-end; cause-action-effect) and processing information bit by bit. This way of doing things, though accepted as normal, has become too slow because life is constantly accelerating. We’re vibrating at ever-increasing frequencies and our old way of knowing and doing can’t keep up. We now need a faster, more elegant way to live and be. The new reality is based on ultra-high-frequency spiritual principles and universal truths, and it is birthing itself right now. As it materializes, it burns off everything that’s in the way.
Everything is Becoming High-Frequency
It’s important to understand this because everything on earth is becoming high-frequency — even our illnesses, as witnessed by the birth of the newest Coronavirus — that no medicines so far are able to touch. But let’s get back to looking at what’s brewing under the surface of our usual reality.
The increasing frequency of our reality is causing all things of low vibration (everything based on fear) to be loosened from their hiding places and popped to the surface of our mind. It’s happening so we can see clearly and transform fear into love and joy. This is the time of the Opening of Pandora’s Box, when all the little demons and pests are released — those long-stored, suppressed, subconscious traumas, terrors, heartbreaks, and rages. It is the Time of Clearing, when we learn to dissolve pain and suffering and become transparent — so our true selves can express through our personalities.
So, we’ve been experiencing an ongoing release of negativity — personally, and in the collective, societal mind. It’s why ugliness, meanness, domination, and hate have been flooding our lives and the media. These are all cover-ups for deep-set fear and panic. And all this is part of the bridge time. To have an enlightened new reality, everything that is not of the light must be seen, understood, and dissolved. This time period and this process must happen. It is part of a positive evolution of humanity and the planet, and it won’t last forever.
There Is an Inner Energy Blueprint for Everything in the Physical World
Before something can materialize in this world as a form or result, it begins with an idea, a thought, and a feeling. It takes shape guided by these inner patterns and attention. Change the inner energy blueprint and the outer form changes, and that can happen almost immediately. So when we contemplate how our world has shifted, seemingly overnight, into a global reality dealing with a killer virus, we have to look at inner causes.
Perhaps our collective unconscious fears — and the fact that we’ve become largely UN-conscious — have built to a critical mass level and exploded in the form of a highly contagious virus. That materialization is forcing us to become conscious (on pain of death!), forcing us to face fears (by pulling us away from our distractions), and forcing us to go within to clear ourselves of interference (by giving us quiet time and empty space).
One Powerful Force Resists This Clearing Process
Yet there is a powerful force that resists and demeans this clearing: and it’s EGO. Ego — the experience of the disconnected, isolated, all-important, individual self — wants to maintain its power and keep things the way they were. It doesn’t want to experience chaos or the Void. It refuses to acknowledge the red flashing light.
We’ve watched the rise of narcissism and destructive self-centeredness in leaders around the world and we see people terribly victimized by these arrogant, insensitive, ego-driven bosses. Why? Because as the planet’s frequency increases, the contracted stuckness of an ego identity living by ego rules can no longer function. The ego’s methods are now being widely exposed and the rulership of the ego is being eclipsed. It can no longer be the boss, the director of reality; it’s inefficient and too slow. Soul-centered consciousness is taking over.
So what could succeed at dislodging the ego’s carefully-plotted, power-maintenance strategies? What could cut through those long-standing negative identity habits to help us see a new way? How might we accelerate our global process of clearing?
Say “Welcome!” to the Little but Mighty Coronavirus!
Coronavirus is the perfect symbolic materialization — not only of our suppressed, subconscious traumas, terrors, heartbreaks, and rages — but of the ego itself. Ego-driven leaders need isolation at the top of the hierarchy to succeed, are experts in domination, easily charm others into agreement, and are clever and chameleon-like, changing on a dime to avoid detection, criticism, and destruction. Coronavirus does something similar, dominating, spreading, and avoiding detection by not showing symptoms immediately, seeming like “any other flu,” replicating itself, mutating, and hiding.
Coronavirus is an equal opportunity infector. Being special or above the law is being brought low by a tiny, hijacking, parasitic virus that is no respecter of peoples. It doesn’t avoid those with gigantic, “successful” egos; it is not racist, class-oriented, bipartisan or political; and it doesn’t care if you’re famous/rich or a manual laborer/poor. Coronavirus is a great opportunist; it takes advantage of every possible chance to expand itself. It is greedy for power, for space, for attention. In so many ways it is the epitome of the ego; it is the ego’s replicant.
Greedy, power-hungry people over the centuries have acted the same way Coronavirus acts: invading other people’s territories, conquering by first weakening and debilitating, then imprisoning, and finally killing people. And just as Coronavirus infects people before they even know it, dictators have used spies and secretive means of infiltration in the early stages of overthrowing foreign lands. It’s interesting, too, how we’ve been invaded by cyber-terrorism from Russian bots and troll armies, and hacked by a whole array of computer viruses. Just as a virus works to replicate itself, so any thoughts that foster fear, rage, and hate can replicate among people in any walk of life, thanks to the contagion-fostering Petrie dish of social media.
What are we to learn from these parallels? How much of your identity is invested in ego? How much have you attached your own importance and survival to having money, power or influence over others, or getting attention from people who agree with you? When you are denied any of these, do you panic and contract like a stone and sink, or do you expand into the imaginal realm, discover new paths, and choose to maintain your preferred “home frequency” state?
It may seem that life is going down the drain, but beneath the surface, there are as many possible realities as ever before and nothing holds us back from creating a new one except our own negative thinking. Do we need to hoard things? If we do, we are sure to lose something eventually — because the underlying belief is that we never have enough, and that is what will materialize for us. Sharing and giving is a great antidote for that kind of selfish thinking.
Do We Crash with the Stock Market?
So, as we lose our jobs and the stock market crashes with fear, validating the scarcity reality, shall we agree? Shall we crash, too? Weep and moan and wail? Or can we simply, calmly, focus our attention on what we do have, how life is working, how troughs turn to crests, and the Flow always corrects itself because that is a universal law. Up-down-up-down and on and on. Stay the course, don’t stop the Flow with panic and drama, or try to outwit it with cleverness.
Here’s another message: You are actually fine. You are alive. Life is working. Nature is working. Under the chaos is a peaceful, wise place. Go there. Stop time. In each moment there is an action that is both a solution to a problem and a step into a new creation. Do the next productive thing. Keep your eyes peeled. Not to avoid more negativity, but to be informed of what your next joyful, purposeful act is.
Do We Learn from Our Retreat Time?
It’s interesting, too, how Coronavirus brings up the issue of isolation. Are we addicted to social activity? Do we avoid our own inner life? Is social activity a distraction from accessing deep guidance from our soul? Or is social distancing the opportunity to learn to access intuition? Do we see being quarantined as self-protection? Or do we do it to care for each other, too?
The message is clear: This is not a foreign invader, it is a shared invader. It is the catalyst for a human process of globalization of care, calmness, and compassion. It teaches us that we are intricately connected with each other — and with everything we touch. We share the air, we breathe each other’s breaths. We begin to respect the existence and power of unseen things.
Viruses Are Like Seeds
What about the neglected parts of yourself? Your inner artist, gardener, writer, cook, reader of great books, hungry student, or master organizer? What about your inner dreamer? Some say viruses are like seeds. They can lie inert for long periods until they come in contact with something truly alive, in this case a nice, juicy-wet mucus membrane. I wonder if we aren’t similar, resting in our semi-dead beliefs and dulling habits, waiting for something life-giving to brush past. We’re really waiting for the touch of the soul, though, to light us up and set us to expanding.
There Is a Saying, “Praise Allah, but tie your camel to the post.” Let’s work in both worlds. Don’t ignore or minimize either the physical or nonphysical reality. Follow all the safety practices. Protect your loved ones. At the same time, work with attitude, energy, and perception. Find your “home frequency” — your soul-in-the-body state, that feeling you have when life is beautiful and working like a charm. Stay in it. Express your best stuff. Don’t backslide into panic, depression, blame, or criticism — and correct yourself quickly if you do. Don’t unconsciously reinforce negative beliefs about life or add to suffering. Proceed as if you are lucky, creative, loved, and supported by others, seen and unseen. Make it your job to lift people up rather than keep them on the verge of hopelessness.
And one last message: Choice is supremely important right now. Be quiet! Get centered! Stop matching the crazy frequency of the virus and potential losses and raise your vibration to that refined state you know as inner beauty, profound satisfaction, ecstatic appreciation, gleeful creativity, and diaphanous love. You can choose to activate your higher frequency life now — or you can choose to remain in the old reality with its contracted thinking. You can have one or the other but not both.
Perhaps Coronavirus has come to help us see through our own unconsciousness, fear, and ego-based behaviors and identity — to cut through illusions rapidly. Cycles of infection may repeat a few times but the track we’re on is an expanding spiral. With each pass, there is improvement and more clarity. Contractions release and expand again. Stay in trust, in the Flow, minute by minute, noticing what you need to notice. When we come back together to celebrate the passing of this phase, we will be more of ourselves, with a feeling of open space around us, and so much more respectful and loving to each other. This is such an important world event with such promise of clarity.