What Are We Transforming Into?

Penney Peirce
6 min readJul 30, 2020


Excerpted from Leap of Perception, by Penney Peirce

So, you’re accelerating and transforming. What does that mean, really? It means your increasing vibration is giving you the ability to perceive much more of the way life really works, with more access to exciting possibilities and a hugely expanded sense of who you are. Your fundamental identity is evolving; you’re becoming a new kind of human. After transformation, any remnants of that old self-protective, dominating, isolated, ego-self — that small identity we’ve always assumed was part of being human — disappears and a much greater self rises from the ashes like the golden phoenix from its funeral pyre. What was fear-based becomes love-based.

Transformation is the beginning of knowing yourself fully and loving what you are; you have a very real felt sense of your soul in your body, as your personality, all the time. Your consciousness-and-energy increase dramatically. You can access information from dimensions or frequencies of consciousness you didn’t realize even existed previously. Your options increase, your human abilities increase. You are not the same person, yet you are more of who you really are. Then you leapfrog over that to become even more of who you are, and as this continues, you are pleasantly surprised each time.

The transformed you lives in a transformed reality where you understand how the inner, consciousness-and-energy world and the outer, physical world work as a seamless continuum. What used to be separate convenes — left-right brain, head-heart, body-mind, inside-outside world. These integrations expand you into new territory where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Compassion becomes the main evolutionary force, a crucial part of the new consciousness that ensures success and planetary survival.

When transformation begins, there’s a tendency to first feel it as a purely energetic process. Your body is disturbed, there are stresses and time pressures — a “time famine” — and upsetting emotions affect you. The intensity may even affect your health. You experience how your energy affects your reality. As the process continues, you experience how the rising frequency is changing your consciousness too. You perceive more, learn more, and understand how your thoughts affect your reality.

“The new consciousness is not a bodiless state; it is the transformation of our present body consciousness, which is limited by time and space, into a state of transformed body consciousness which is that of resurrection.” — Bede Griffiths

As you successfully navigate the stages of opening, and your body adapts to the higher energy, you feel better. You get used to the new speed of life. Your emotions stabilize, and you feel happier, more harmonious, enthusiastic, and positive. The positive feelings beget a higher quality of thought; you stop complaining and criticizing, are receptive to new ideas, and are more curious. Positive imagination reemerges, serving a renewed desire to create things that resonate with your destiny. You realize you were previously using your imagination unconsciously to create negative situations. “What a waste of energy!” you say.

You see how your high-frequency thoughts and feelings are creating a better life, a more effortless reality. Living is more fun. Now you are a high-frequency personality, embodying more of your soul and spiritual truth in everything you do — and that facilitates your destiny, without willfulness.

“But,” you ask, “how does transformation occur? Will it hurt?” To achieve transformation, you first have to make a profound shift in the way you know things. How you make your world real to yourself must undergo deep revision. You can’t just keep processing data the way we’re doing it now — with an almost desperate need for speed. You need a new methodology that lets you naturally and effortlessly jump into expanded perception. This transformational shift, or leap of perception, requires new pathways through your brain, new habits of sensing and knowing, and seeing that your “brain” actually includes your heart, body, cells, and even the field of energy around you.

You have a much greater sensing apparatus than you may have imagined. If you can’t figure out how to “rewire” your brain and access the many new pathways in your non-localized brain centers, not to worry! The acceleration process is taking you there, revealing the insights one by one.

Transformation is a process composed of a series of shifts. If you understand and embrace the doable tasks required for each shift, you’ll sail through the process. If you resist, the process will happen anyway, and you’ll be dragged along, kicking and screaming. So, no, transformation doesn’t hurt — unless you block the Flow.

Entering the nonphysical world is one of the first big steps in the transformation process. Just think about your normal daily reality: you are absorbed in brushing your teeth, making breakfast, listening to your coworkers, remembering to buy what you need at the grocery store, exercising after dinner, and reading your page-turner novel before bed. It’s easy to get lost in these mundane details and think that’s all there is. But there is always an inner reality close at hand. When you remember to meditate, or pray and bless others, or revere nature as you stand in your yard staring up at the full moon and stars, you deepen yourself, dropping through the physical world; you activate a mystical connection to the ineffable.

You must enter the inner world to be able to transform yourself. And this is where intuition becomes so important, because intuition is the means by which you know and navigate in the nonphysical world. In the consciousness-and-energy reality you don’t think logically; you sense, feel, and know directly. You’re merged with what you experience. With intuition, you discover principles of oneness and learn to function in the unified field, or infinite sea of consciousness-and-energy. All ideas, resources, and realities are available and possible in the unified field, so your consciousness increases exponentially. In the nonphysical world, everything is interconnected, mutually inclusive, and supportive. Experiencing the truth of unity reveals the dynamics of the Intuition Age.

Eventually, you become comfortable living in both the physical and nonphysical worlds, perhaps rocking back and forth between them for a while, then feeling how they are simultaneous, affecting each other instantly. Experiencing this merger of the inner and outer is the next important step in the transformation process. For example, you might instantly feel how a sarcastic comment you make about a friend to her face shuts her down emotionally. Your physical action creates a nonphysical effect that has ripples: both you and your friend feel worse than you did before, and that contracted inner state inhibits full self-expression in the outer world. The inner inhibition continues until one of you says something in the physical world, then instantly, the inner state changes, energy flows again, and expanded self-expression resumes in both of you.

Being permanently rooted in the center of the present moment is yet another important part of the transformation process. When you live permanently in the present moment, there is no more projection — no more casting your attention along lines to other points in time and space that seem separate from you. There is no more separation. The past and future are inside the present moment, too, along with all ideas and everything else in your reality. This causes you to experience a natural change in the geometry of your perception. You see that the old, linear perception — perception limited to timelines, cause-and-effect processes, and lines of thought — doesn’t function well anymore, and you begin to experience life as a ball, or a sphere, surrounding you equally in all directions.

It’s important to remember that when the physical and nonphysical realities are merged, and when everything is in the present moment, any change always occurs simultaneously in both worlds. Every nonphysical perceptual shift corresponds with a matching shift in your physical brain, body, and daily life — and it happens instantaneously.




Penney Peirce
Penney Peirce

Written by Penney Peirce

Penney Peirce is a respected clairvoyant empath, counselor, lecturer/trainer & author of 10 books. Her main topics are intuition, perception & transformation.

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