Trust Your Destiny: Choose What’s Choosing You!

Penney Peirce
9 min readMay 25, 2020


by Penney Peirce

There is something I’ve recently heard myself saying to clients: “Choose what’s choosing you.” Many people are embroiled in situations that contain their sneakiest blind spots, and they’re flopping around a bit, resisting the experience that’s trying to find them. I believe that many of us are just a hair’s turn from actually stepping into our destiny, and knowing an entirely different and magnificent way of living and being in the world. But just before the breakthrough occurs, it always seems incredibly dense, even hopeless. All our hopelessness-programming surfaces.

It’s now that we must pay close attention to who we want to be, and do whatever it takes to maintain clear consciousness and harmonious physical energy. Otherwise we run the risk of succumbing to the victim identity, which is pouring up out of the collective subconscious now as never before.

If your life is building in intensity, if you’re facing the things that scare you most, please don’t freeze in the worry-mind, or in the duality reality! This is the time to actively look for the oneness and the underlying sanity in all things. This is the time to believe in your own destiny, which is the materialization of Who You Really Are. Your destiny is partly what you’re built for, what’s most natural and contributory for you to do — and what you need to learn and let go of to become your soul-self.

The realization of destiny requires trust in the flow of your life. So choose what’s choosing you! Enter the experience that’s seeking you and trust its compassion. Live it out in an engaged way and learn from it. Keep walking, keep inviting in more of your destiny, even if you can’t imagine how amazing it’s going to be. Don’t worry about not being up to it. When it finds you and you flow into it, you’ll say, “You mean I get to do THIS??”

How do we achieve our destiny, though? On the one hand, I could have a bumper sticker that says DESTINY HAPPENS (not unlike “S — — — Happens”) because I believe that we eventually get where we’re going simply by pursuing our natural interests, letting life flow as it wants, and being in harmony with that flow. On the other hand, I also believe that focusing on goals and enthusiastically working toward what fascinates us is an equally important way to do things in the world.

There are times when my mind becomes inflated and I get ahead of myself, thinking I know the way a path of action is going to work out, and thinking it has to follow my prescribed itinerary. When things seem to go astray, it’s easy to assume I’ve made a terrible mistake and that life is against me. Actually, it’s that my mind has projected forward into my imagined, completed goal — and away from center. In effect, I end up looking back at myself. That other me seems to be so far behind — but why? Is she too slow? Too ignorant? Too incompetent? The left brain goes into problem-solving mode and as usual looks for “What’s wrong?” But nothing’s really wrong. Life isn’t against me, it’s just the projected “I” who is looking back against the “me” who is still in the present moment. By projecting ahead, I’ve separated myself into two opposing fragments and now the guidance and energy needed to fulfill this part of my destiny can’t flow into either one. It’s not the flow’s fault.

Luckily, our destiny is programmed into our bodies. You can’t lose it — you can certainly stall its progress with flawed thinking, but you can’t stop it from eventually coming to pass. That’s because it’s part of you, and you are intimately connected to the world, and your destiny is part of the world’s destiny. It’s encoded, not just in every molecule of your body, but in the physical plane itself. Yes, the world, the earth, has a destiny, and it’s the same as everyone’s at the core: to evolve back into our original enlightened state. This implies that we’re all helping each other evolve — your destiny fits perfectly with other people’s destinies, and vice versa, for our collective, mutual beneft.

The World Has a Destiny, Too

Your body is inseparable from the unified field of energy and consciousness we live in here on earth. To imagine and perhaps experience this a little bit, if you gradually feel outwardly from the center of yourself, especially with your eyes closed, you can experience the Continuity of You with the so-called “outside” world. You notice there is nowhere where “you” stop. You discover that your life and destiny are not on the other side of some imaginary boundary, but the whole world — “inside” yourself and “outside” yourself — is actually your extended body, your extended self. The world, and all its people, objects, and events, is your greater mind, your greater identity. One loving desire flows through the whole — to help each part evolve and become the truest self. Consciously living your destiny is the greatest service you can perform for others and the planet.

I trust that when our truest self integrates entirely into the body, emotions, and mind, we immediately achieve our destiny — which I sense is the experience of being the soul and how the soul is one with all souls in something much grander. We share from our giftedness then, create much more than we previously thought possible, and feel utterly rewarded in all things. Imagine when the majority of humanity is living this way — how our planet might feel!

And yet, life often takes us on what seem like sudden detours, events that derail us from our will-driven tracks. Is our loving destiny being fulfilled then?

When Life Seems to Derail You

I first went to Japan when I was 34, with Dr. William Kautz of the San-Francisco-based Center for Applied Intuition. This was in the early days of the “New Age” movement, which was gaining popularity in Japan. Together Dr. Kautz and I taught seminars on using intuition in business and I did in-depth intuitive readings for the general public. This continued for several years, then I began to return to Japan on my own, annually, and slowly built a following.

Several years later, I led a tour of Japanese spiritual seekers to Peru. When traveling in these intense energy power spots, I’ve found that deep emotions are often stirred up, like they can be at the full moon, and I explained this to the group at the outset. The participants were extraordinarily energy-sensitive and this was certainly the case here — many emotions surfaced from the participants’ subconscious minds. Because they had no procedure for understanding and processing the information, and because they hesitate to share negative things in a group, when they returned home, several precipitously quit their jobs or left their marriages. Not knowing how to explain their seemingly crazy, non-traditional behavior, many went with the tour organizer to see a Japanese psychic who explained it away by saying that I had aroused the spirits of the dead in Peru, and angered them, and everyone was therefore possessed!

Not realizing why I was suddenly getting the cold shoulder in my dealings with the organizer, I continued to pursue plans to do a followup retreat in Hawaii. I spoke to the organizer about including one of my colleagues in the program, a man who channelled a dramatic entity (I, in contrast, work through my own intuition, without the personality changes that mediums often display). I was soon informed that they had decided to just work with my colleague and I was no longer invited. When I tried to find out why, no one would talk to me.

When I called my colleague, he told me the reason behind the blackballing — that I’d aroused negative spirits and caused people to be “possessed” — and when I asked why he hadn’t stuck up for me, he said, “Well, I really wanted to work in Japan so I just went for it. Sorry.” He subsequently took all my Japanese clients — connections I’d worked years to build. There was nothing I could do without “losing face” in the minds of the Japanese. So, reluctantly, I let go and resigned myself to never working there again.

A year later, word got back to me that the tour organizer’s reputation had plummeted because of her association with the flaky psychic she took everyone to see, who had been debunked. I, therefore, had regained a higher reputation because I was not connected with them. In the same week, I was invited back to Tokyo by another woman, highly reputable, who ran a college for women who wanted to become counselors. This was a legitimate, more psychological, credible sponsor — and not part of the rather chaotic New Age movement that was running rampant in Japan. So I returned to Japan and stayed for almost six weeks, working with every student in the college.

At the end of my stay, the woman asked that I come to dinner — she was having a “special guest” and would I be willing to do a short numerology reading for him? There was quite a hubbub at her apartment, with women cooking excitedly in the kitchen — and then the limo arrived, and a distinguished older man was escorted to the door by a bodyguard. It turned out to be His Imperial Highness, The Prince Mikasa, of the Royal Family.

My sponsor was his friend, as her family had always been closely associated with the Royal Family, and her apartment was one of the few places the Prince could go to relax and be less formal. So, there I was, doing a reading for this amazing man, who was a scholar and an Egyptologist — and very wise! And he was saying, “Ah, this is very accurate. . .” Then our hostess asked me, “So, Penney, what do you see about the future of Japan?” I almost choked, but I shared my visions, which opened a fascinating conversation with him. Later, feeling like I was caught in the Twilight Zone, I thought, “My God — how did I get here?” One minute banished from Japan, the next, dining with royalty. . . (As an aside, Prince Mikasa, whose given name was Takahito, went on to live a long life and died at age 100 in 2016.)

Finding the Hidden Gifts the Flow Can Bring

I realized that being willing to let go of Japan had allowed a deeper process to unfold. I was removed from a frequency of experience that was too “low” for me, and placed in one where I was more useful and my gifts more appropriate to the needs of the people. What had seemed so brutal to me at the time was actually a great act of compassion. Interestingly, those who betrayed and excommunicated me, were themselves excommunicated — without my having to concern myself with retribution, which is not a quality I care to keep alive in myself. The colleague who “stole” my clients was later humiliated in public when someone in the audience gave him false information deliberately and he gave an erroneous reading based on what he thought they wanted to hear. He stopped working in Japan after that.

My point in telling you this story is that even when something that seems so supremely negative occurs — something that seems to block your path forward and negate your sense of your own destiny — if you trust it and continue acting according to your inner truth, eventually you see the sanity in the way things occur. Everything is part of your purpose and destiny! I finally realized how my dramatic experience with Japan was an elegant act of compassion. Even though it took several years to work itself out, it cleared the path before me in a way I could not have designed or engineered.

I was able to recognize and feel the difference between a lower kind of spiritual understanding and a more sophisticated way of being. I learned to allow myself to feel comfortable and valued by highly respected people for just being me and offering myself authentically. And, I was able to clear myself of that awful feeling of being misunderstood, disrespected, dishonored, and cheated. Trust paid off.

So much of our destiny is in remembering our true soul-self. To do that, we must release the false ideas and habits we hold about who we think we are. This naturally occurs through the vehicle of ordinary life experience — if we have eyes to see and ears to hear. The clearer we become the more we’re able to express ourselves in a way that serves others effectively while simultaneously bringing us great pleasure. At the same time, we are enabled to create beautiful, useful, inspiring contributions to assist the world’s collective evolution. So: Choose what’s choosing you — and remember, there’s wisdom at work!



Penney Peirce
Penney Peirce

Written by Penney Peirce

Penney Peirce is a respected clairvoyant empath, counselor, lecturer/trainer & author of 10 books. Her main topics are intuition, perception & transformation.

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