Penney Peirce’s Oracle Letter #6: Am I in Charge of the Process or is the Process in Charge of Me?
The Power of Centering
We’ve been realigning, centering, getting rid of the kinks in the circuits, learning to receive the new energy, and collecting our consciousness. We’re trying to see: Who are we now that our energy is freed up and flowing in an improved way? What is my new “home frequency” and what do I want to do with it? Where does the energy itself want to go? What if it doesn’t want to go anywhere just yet? Am I in charge of the process or is the process in charge of me?
Perhaps we’re learning to be still, to enter the silence, to connect with the inner voice available in the present moment. We are so addicted to speed and progress, to processing data and “getting better.” When the Flow doesn’t take us on a roller coaster ride somewhere new, we think something’s terribly wrong. I’m not growing! I must be falling behind everyone else! And in the limbo time, instead of feeling the gift of spaciousness, the potential for greater inspiration and imagination and perhaps course correction, we turn it into something negative or even scary.
I know several people who have worked extremely hard on projects they felt would have final results, but they encountered a variety of snags and stalls at the last minute and faced the reality of going back to the drawing board. Did they misjudge their audience? Were they not communicating their endeavor properly or fully enough or in language their audience could understand? Or were they just full of hot air, engaged in something that was a waste of time? It’s a challenge to stay out of self-deprecating thinking, to not doubt their premise, and to use the newly opened time to allow new insights to surface instead.
I wrote an editorial about “liminal space” — the experience of the time just before and just after a threshold is reached. It’s an interesting time and requires skill to use it properly. So many of us are experiencing what I’ve come to call “the doorway” — where we are just about to step over the threshold into the Intuition Age reality, into “new perception,” but are still drawn by the perceptual habits we’ve been programmed to accept as normal — “old perception” and Information Age rhythms.
We hesitate to move forward because we don’t know how it will be, and at least we’re familiar with the old reality, even though it’s slow, dense, sticky, and seems increasingly stupid. But if we step into the new reality, will we lose our loved ones? Will we become such misfits that we won’t be able to work at a regular job? Or will we become so disillusioned with the blocked life in the physical world that we won’t want to live anymore at all?
So, the Flow brings us space. In this space we need to get over our jumpiness and hyperactivity, be calm, and join the vibration at the heart of the quietude. Trust it. Feel into it. What is inside is the new experience of ourselves — ourselves at a higher frequency. We need to feel it fully, recognize it, choose it, and practice it until we become saturated with the new frequency and convinced about its power to change how we make reality real via our vibration and perception. Then, surprise! We discover that the energy is doing most of the work for us, that the Flow is magically re-established when we match our own next-higher frequency, and now it brings synchronicities and miraculous things.
Many people I speak with have misinterpreted this part of the process and complain that they’re “stuck.” Clients describe “problems” to me in terms of: Who I’m not, What I can’t do, What’s wrong with me. It just points out that we have been trained out of enjoying time to ourselves, leisure, pleasure, daydreaming, staring into space, doodling and noodling around, and just “being with” life in the moment, appreciating things like beauty, humor, and the senses. This is gestational time, soul contacting time, revelation time.
Releasing Our Old Self, History, and the Stories We Tell
Another thing I notice is that I’ve begun to be bored with telling people who I am based on what I do, where I’ve lived, and my accomplishments. Some part of me started commenting, Who is driving this car right now? Who is walking down the hall? Is this person hungry? Is this person motivated to do the things she always has done? I began to release attachments, and lived with a sort of vagueness. At the same time I felt much more relaxed. Nevertheless, life didn’t stop. Creation didn’t stop. It just took on a softer quality. Ambition disappeared but deep motive and enthusiasm did not.
It feels that an energetic saturation is occurring now and the new frequency will repattern our lives, work, and creative endeavors. We will be lifted to new levels, with new groups, new soul-based friendships, new cocreative projects and experiences. There is a quiet excitement surfacing. It’s as though life here is becoming more like the life we love “on the other side.” And of course, we’re beginning to see that there is no “other side,” that everything is porous and interpenetrable. We have access to everything, and can know it from the inside. What a discovery! The impact is so far-reaching.
It’s Not About Expansion; It’s About Exposure
I remember saying to myself that now that I live on the East Coast I may expand much more, into Europe and other countries, and into new audiences. Immediately, my inner voice corrected me: “It’s not about expansion, it’s about exposure.” I was told that expansion is an idea based on will power, and I didn’t need to use will power anymore. Exposure was about being, about transparency, about allowing others to see me and my heart’s desires. I was to be undefended, simple, open, honest, and real. In that clear space I would naturally radiate but beyond that, the vibration would carry through the ethers, through the inner realms and connect globally with anyone on that wavelength. And, I would be safe. I didn’t need to constantly walk the perimeter to protect myself. The energy would do that for me.
Somehow, not “trying” turns you into a magnet. It’s about the effortless materializing of realities that fit perfectly for you. If you realize you are in a reality that isn’t the perfect fit, simply take your attention out of it, and place your attention in a new reality bubble, enter that new reality, and imagine living that movie. The particles of your field will rearrange themselves into that pattern.
Some People Won’t Get It
In spite of how easy things are becoming, I think we’ll see a crazy backlash against the new ease. Certain groups will assert their controlling will power to try to maintain the old reality and the old ego-identity. They will fight to remain dense, preferring to resist progress and the accelerating frequency. Since it’s really impossible to resist the acceleration, their efforts will begin to fail. They will be seen as prehistoric, out of synch, unattractive, and ignorant. They will react even more strongly to that and may become violent. Eventually they will shoot themselves in the foot and hopefully learn to open their hearts.
Other people won’t understand how to shift into the new reality and may mistakenly decide it’s impossible, and make all the wrong assumptions about themselves — that they’re bad, unlovable, and hopeless. So we may see an increase in suicides, death by various illnesses, and mass deaths. With education about transformation this is preventable but I think this may be the time when we witness the beginning of an evacuation from the physical world by souls who think they aren’t ready for transformation. And this is OK. There is much help in the nonphysical realms and evolution continues there. This process, I feel, will continue over the next 10 years.
A Time of CoCreation and Innovation
To balance it out, I think we’ll also see the rapid increase of people who want transformation, who are waking up and feeling excited about what’s happening. So it’s likely that inner growth classes and spiritual information will mushroom around the world.
It’s going to be a powerful time for education and innovation, and your ideas and viewpoints are needed. It’s important to share your insights now; talk to people! Be a thought leader. Move forward with confidence concerning new ventures. Don’t wait; don’t hold back due to false humility. But also, don’t try to do everything alone. We are entering a time of cocreation. We need partners and teams, while we also need to be authentic and true to our own inner guidance. It’s a balancing act.
I think we’re going to see a massive grassroots movement where the people realize a certain equality with each other, where celebrities diminish in popularity and become simple human beings who make mistakes like everyone else. “Ordinary people” will do great things and inspire each other. We’ll teach each other, invent things we need — and it won’t all be coming from the top down, precipitated by official experts. We’ll recognize frequency in people, and frequency equates with consciousness levels, with competency levels.
There may still be things to clear, places where we need to realign ourselves with our destiny pattern, new habits of consciousness to stabilize, but in general, it feels like we have the green light — though we still must look both ways as we cross the intersection.