Penney Peirce’s Oracle Letter #5: ReAligning with Our “Promised Land”
As I look back at the Oracle Letters I wrote in these years, it’s obvious that many of the symptoms and trends I outlined have been happening all along and are not specific to one year alone. These are symptoms of a huge transformation and they take years to occur, as people wake up in stages—and all the symptoms are still happening. Just because I described something ten years ago doesn’t mean it happened right away for everyone. We each take advantage of the accelerating energy as we are able to become conscious of what’s being revealed. We each evolve on our own time schedule.
2013 was certainly a year of Transition, with a capital T! Or should we call it a “roto-rooter” year of cleaning out the pipes? It was time for realigning ourselves with our new life, with our “promised land,” with our newly developing Intuition Age perception. Everyone I talked to seemed to be going through a dramatic testing of their ability to let go, trust, and move forward while keeping their attention totally in the present moment. Everyone seemed to be consciously or unconsciously jettisoning old limiting ideas and patterns of behavior in favor of falling into the unknown, in secret hopes of discovering what’s there!
I personally felt like a piece of tangled rope that was shaken out or snapped briskly into line by some higher force. I was suddenly swept into life-altering changes, but the Flow kept me steadily in motion, step by step, though I had no sense of the detail of the overall purpose — just that I trusted it. And how could I not — the Edict was powerful and the tasks poured in one after another. There was no time to stop, so I had to learn to rest WHILE in motion, while being fully engaged. The lessons I learned continue in 2014.
Lessons Learned and Still Learning
I learned that I can’t do everything for everyone, that it’s OK to “let people down” and not jump through every hoop. I was in my own transition, as were so many others, and I was often unavailable — since I was moving across country. It was demonstrated to me that if something wants to happen, conditions will reorganize themselves to occur when timing is right. Amazing synchronicities materialized.
I also understood this: It’s easy to be spiritual — to hold your “home frequency” — around people on your own wavelength. As I moved from spiritually active San Francisco to Florida, driving across country through many very conservative areas, I realized part of the year’s challenge was for me to be the way I like to be no matter where I am, no matter what kind of people I’m around. My own happiness is not dependent on other people’s beliefs. I found so many heart-warming people everywhere. Heart recognizes heart! In Florida, I’ve yet to find a nasty person, or anyone who is rushing and superficial — except for that one person who gave me the finger in traffic the other day. . .
And too: I was forced to be in the moment because the process of change absolutely would NOT move any slower or faster than IT wanted to. Will power and pressure just messed things up and caused snags. As I tried to integrate into my new reality, I had to be with each experience, enjoy it, validate it, integrate it, and participate fully. Going to the hardware store was just as meaningful as meditating at the beach. Superimposed order from my left brain — like, “I’m going to do all the bookkeeping, then I’ll do the plumbing repairs, then I’ll connect with clients. . .” just wouldn’t happen. I might do an hour of bookkeeping, three hours with the plumber, twenty minutes at the hardware store, back to bookkeeping, barely squeeze in the clients, and so on. No validation of my old way of being organized and efficient, no sense of responsibility as I had defined it previously, and no comfort there.
The Red Carpet Unrolls
As 2014 gets underway, I sense an unrolling of a red carpet. Last year we let go, realigned with something higher, and this year — sure, there’s more release and realignment work to do, the polishing — but now the opportunities that align with our new vibration are beginning to occur in our fields. It’s like Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda: “Stop the world.” Then it reappears, recreated from the true place.
For years I’ve been saying I wanted to go to Norway (I don’t know why), and guess what? Someone called out of the blue to invite me to Oslo to speak at a conference. I got another invitation to do a Leap of Perception training in — of all places — Highland Park, IL, on the north shore of Chicago — where I grew up—and hadn’t revisited in ages!
Now here’s an odd thing. . . Since I’ve relocated, I’ve become very interested in intergalactic beings and communication with “ancient aliens.” In fact, I’m addicted to that TV show, Ancient Aliens! Is it because I’m close to the Bermuda Triangle? Or the intersection of ley lines near the Bahamas? It is something I was extremely well-versed in many years ago; in fact, I wanted to write the undocumented history of the world one day, including the influence of visits from intergalactic beings. Wished I could just go into the Akashic Records library and know everything!
Ironically, I’m noticing that I feel like I have amnesia, like the way I have described and interpreted my visionary dreams over the years is kindergartenish. Why can’t I “see through”? There is insight I’m missing!! The way I saw things before is not the way I need to see things now. The impatience may indicate a veil is about to be lifted.
All in all, I suspect we are about to focus into greater clarity and the ability to “see through.” In fact, my new custom Florida license plate has a lighthouse on it and says, “A State of Vision.” Cool, huh?