Penney Peirce’s Oracle Letter #3: You’re In the Starting Gate! No More Waiting: The Future’s Not Out There
I have used my intuitive and empathic skills for a number of years to tune in to what was happening beneath the surface of reality. With an eye toward how the transformation process is progressing, I have tried to summarize and recap the main trends I see. Reading back through these now, I see I was describing things that are still happening, but with greater intensity and clarity — today. This is the third in my series, in which I look back at 2011 and ahead to 2012. As you read, you may not be able to connect the main points to the exact time period, but you will see how the transformational trends began working and how much more real they are today.
Summing Up 2011
2011 brought an intense inner directedness or forced slowness that caused critical issues to surface and important life decisions to be made. Wake-up warnings were given, personally and globally. There was the need to read the heart correctly and act in ways that had been avoided or postponed. No more expediency or win-lose solutions, no more having things “sort of” work. In doing this, there were subtle patterns from the past that required healing and stagnant energy was forced to move and be released.
As the releases occurred, we had glimpses of a truly positive potential life, as though the spiritual realm with all its exciting destiny-pictures was floating down ever closer and making easy impressions on our minds. Then there seemed to be a flooding of these ideas about potential direction and states of being, along with subconscious flotsam and jetsam pertaining to uncertainty, fear of change, and projections of myriad negative future scenarios. Life became quite confusing. People I worked with unfailingly started the conversation with, “I feel blocked but I know something good is coming but I don’t know how to get there.”
I personally experienced this flooding as a desire to stay close to home, to garden, be simple, and not travel as much, and as an inability to focus in a heavily mental, analytical way for very long. My mind wanted to be loose and free, fluid and responsive to what might come in the moment. Instead of structured, planned, intellectual work, I was drawn to talk live and unrehearsed on the radio and with clients. I retreated often to a fairly mindless (or will-less), “staring into space” state, where I can only guess — and hope — that I was resting deeply, gathering some sort of new wits about me, and allowing my inner circuits to be reshaped by the intensifying energy waves. It was hard not to criticize myself for being “lazy.”
Tuning in to 2012
The new year brings an opening into which the mind flows gladly. The previous months of release and gestation now reveal a ripening fruit. We will feel an easier interconnection with the nonphysical realms which will likely cause us to feel unexpectedly happy.
January 2012 — the beginning of an infamous year that’s been anticipated, with both hope and dread, for centuries. 2012 has been loaded with so many meanings: it’s a magical year of transformation, a devastating year of catastrophe, the end of time, or the beginning of timelessness. Will we ascend? Will we precipitate annihilation? Will we awaken voluntarily to our true spiritual nature or live on unconsciously until we hit a wall at the dead end of the street? Can one year possibly do all this?
I know from experience that a journey begins with one step and the first steps are symbolic of the rest of the journey. Do we enter 2012 with eyes open, shiny, and softly receptive, or with eyes narrowed and averted, expecting the worst? The attitude we hold, the state we start with may well flavor the rest of the year. Do we give our power away to possibly distorted prophecies seen and interpreted by people caught up in various forms of ego? Or do we stay in our own “home frequency” — the ever-reliable, stable vibration of our soul in our body?
Time truly is changing. It seems like it’s speeding up but really, the past and future are being swallowed by a vastly increasing ball of reality that we call the present moment. What is real about 2012 is what we choose to put our attention on right now. Get ahead of the emergence process, project beyond the surprising, arising edge of the new, and we will experience snags and illusion.
What we need is right here with us. Inside us, actually. 2012 is inside you — your unique experience of 2012 — the 2012 your soul desires. 2012 may be a year of heightened consciousness, a turning point, but let me remind us all that any moment, when fully engaged with and merged with, contains the entirety of the collective consciousness, the vastness of the experience of love, and the provision of everything we could ever need. Every single moment, no matter the year.”
Dump Preconceived Ideas & Other People’s Views—Invent Your Own 2012! Imagine Positive Growth!
If nothing else, this year may be the biggest test ever of your ability to hear your deepest, truest self and act in accordance with its guidance. This promises to be The Year of the Heart in more ways than one, which I’ll address later. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of being a blank slate right now, and dissolving all the clutter of thoughts about what this year has been said to be all about. Find out for yourself what this year IS, moment by moment, and you’ll see that it is what you make it by your own attitude. You’re about to discover what “Listen to your heart” and “Follow your heart” really mean.
2012 promises to bring a fierceness and intensity concerning freedom, change, and unpredictable movement that will be unrelenting and which will negatively stir up the people who have not yet understood the positive nature of what is happening in the world’s evolution and transformation process. If you do not have a strong habit of checking within at regular intervals, and consulting with your reliable Inner Perceiver, there will be a temptation to fall into the panicky crowd mentality as more and more things that provided security and comforting distraction start to fail in various ways. To give in to panic is a failure to be creative.
You alone determine your attitude toward change and evolution. People are frightened by change when they aren’t in the habit of using imagination to invent new realities that give them deep pleasure. In 2012 we must learn to use imagination to create our own positive reality of growth and innovation, rather than succumb to a pessimistic vision of loss and destruction. The world’s evolution process is about to act like a high-powered leaf blower, moving all detritus out of its hiding places into the open where it can be swept up and gotten rid of.
You’re In the Starting Gate! No More Waiting: The Future’s Not Out There
This year you’re likely to have a profound experience of the shifting meaning of time, and the experience of time in your body. It might come to you as a revelation like: “I’m out of time! I can’t wait anymore.” Or, even, “It’s too late. I might as well give up.” But of course, that’s the old left brain trying to talk you out of growing. . . It’s never too late; the power is always in the now no matter how old you are. You might experience yourself as very young, or old. Mainly, you’ll probably get the sense that what you choose to do now, how you choose to feel now, what you can imagine as real now, IS your future, it’s your whole life.
You’re determining your life each moment by what you choose to validate as real. And these choices of thought, feeling, and action carry MUCH more weight now, exert MUCH more influence now, both on others and yourself — simultaneously!! You’re starting to really get it: the present moment is SO powerful!!! You may have the feeling that the whole idea of past and future is so OLD! You may feel you have access to all potential realities no matter when they occur. Like a big ball of all-potential focusing down to a point in the center, which is you-Now.
So this means: Make Every Act Count; No More Excuses! Make every moment conscious. No throw-away moments. There are no other moments besides this one. Another moment is a fiction, an old habit of awareness that is being surpassed by the power of presence. Go!
I Can Do It! Spirit Lands in the Heart of Each Individual. We Want to Experience Soul in the Body, or Truth with a Capital T
This year will emphasize the desire of the individuality to express itself authentically without restriction from what is perceived as limiting “outside authority.” The joke may be realized along the way, that there IS no outside limiting authority unless you yourself believe there is, and that the limiting authority may well be your own left brain calcification. Freedom is the name of the game this year. The first level of this trend is felt personally as: Be Real, Don’t Inflate, Don’t Be Distracted and Shallow. Show up!
This may mean a strong focus on the idea of ego and ego death — either embracing the idea of letting go of ego or of fighting to maintain it. This might look like self-absorbed people finally appearing foolish, stupid, and antiquated. Forthright, heartfelt honesty and intelligence will begin to replace “reality” TV and self-centered, sound byte-mouthing celebrities and political candidates. The coolness of sarcasm and stupidity has run its course. Perhaps we will look up from texting and actually talk eye-to-eye with the people we’re with.
Next, people will want to do more things themselves as they get fed up with leadership that doesn’t listen or meet their needs. Let’s take things into our own hands! There will be a stronger emphasis on DIY and Don’t Tell me What to Do! The “Occupy Movement” in American politics points to the symbolic meaning behind the movement — to occupy oneself, and all we do, with full presence. For those who understand transformation, this leads to new levels of creativity and innovation.
For those who don’t understand the fullness of the transformation process, this symptom will be interpreted as a call for rights and privileges. It will lead to rebellion. And yes, this is part of the growth process. What doesn’t freely embrace evolution must experience revolution now. Logjams and antiquated thinking are too slow and cause energetic backups and subsequent breakthroughs. With conscious awareness, these breakthroughs are magical, compassionate, and creative; without awareness the breakthroughs bring loss and the need to build back up from a new ground of being — and the positive impact of this is not as easily recognized.
Revolution for Evolution: We’re Mad as Hell and We’re Not Going to Take It Anymore!
There are phases to our waking up all the way and waves of people who “get it” first, second, third, and so forth. We are probably all caught up to some degree in the belief that there is a separate outside world that is bigger than we are, with big bad authority figures who can prevent us from living joyfully, who can take away our sustenance and quality of life on a whim. Or conversely for the wealthiest and most powerful, there are hoards of hungry, stupid, unhealthy masses “out there” who threaten to destroy a comfortable lifestyle with neediness.
When we believe separation and opposition are the nature of reality, it IS the nature of reality for us. We all probably believe we must either fight victimhood or resign ourselves to it. As we become wise and more enlightened, we learn that imagination is the solution, that we can create our lives via imagining and focusing steadily on what we want, and acting in accordance. But where most of us are right now, we still respond from fight or flight.
So in 2012 we’ll see more peoples’ resistance to domination by governments, dictators, wealth-hoarders, and multi-national corporations as well as the conservative groups and politicians who support this sort of control. It may begin peacefully, but in many cases will escalate into violence as efforts are ignored. There is likely to be a beefed up militarization and attempted crackdown by the forces in power, fueled by increased spying, invasion of privacy, “spinning” of the media to create an atmosphere of fear and paranoia, engineered shortages of vital supplies (intentional deprivation), persecution of independent thinkers, an attempt to rewrite the Constitution of the United States for selfish interests, and outright lying. Investigative journalism may once again become a noble profession as individuals seek the truth beneath the cover-ups. Small independent media will fight big conservative-owned media conglomerates. Many localized skirmishes, battles, and warlike events around the world will cause and increase in migrations of various groups, both rich and poor alike.
Remember that part of the transformation process dictates that the controlling superstructures at the top of the hierarchy must fail because the linear separatist hierarchical structure of society is transforming into a holographic interrelated one. As the top fails and melts down, the bottom grows strong and emerges everywhere, with innovation and new forms of life. It’s a simultaneous process. So we can expect continued financial crisis where the superstructures (the banksters and corporatists) must restructure. That won’t happen without resistance, pain, and destruction, but at the same time, new structures are rapidly emerging and connecting with each other. Put your attention where it can do the most good, invest in good growth.
Coming Together for Innovation: Let ‘er Rip!
On the positive side, the heightened individualism and energy of 2012 will cause a huge bursting forth of innovative problem-solving and inventions, often fueled by new collaborations among disparate kinds of small businesses and creative individuals working in virtual teams. People will venture into new territory and create new dimensions and environments for finding important solutions to world problems. Part of this movement toward heightened creativity will come from a trend toward making connections based on those with a similar frequency and vibration; a convening of like minds and hearts. There will be a new kind of focus on entrepreneurialism and small business.
The World Mind Becomes Aware of Its Totality
We’ll begin to realize that the East and West are combining values, talents, and ways of perceiving, and that the equator is just an imaginary line separating nothing. In other words, “Stop thinking your hemisphere is the only one!” It’s winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere, but it’s January everywhere. It’s NOW everywhere, no matter the time zone. Each person has a unique perception of their world, and combined, our collective perceptions make THE WORLD — OUR WORLD.
Make a Personal Loving Connection to the Sun; Develop Your Internal Version of the Internet and Cell Phone
2012 is likely to bring heightened and unusual activity from the sun. Increased sunspot and solar flare activity may affect life on earth in disruptive ways. Power supplies and communication satellites may go out. The internet may malfunction. We may not need to voluntarily wean ourselves from our cell phones, laptops, and ipads, it may be forced upon us. Cloud computing? You may not be able to access your important data. In the absence of the instant connection the internet and cell phones provide, we may have to develop our natural internal abilities — telepathy, intuition, and precognition — that underlie these technological externalizations.
We will need to think of the sun as the heart chakra of our solar system, and a macrocosmic version of our own personal heart. It is not the source of our life, but an opening through which the Soul/Divine vibration enters our reality. There is something greater and wiser beyond our sun, just as there is a greater intelligence and love beyond our heart that creates our heart as the guiding center of our life. If the sun is throwing increased energy at us, we must treat it as important data for transformation, and not go into fear, treating the sun as our savior or destroyer. That is old thinking. Some people will fall into panic, and will try to hide from the sun. But there will be nowhere to hide as the frequency of the planet is being affected everywhere by an energy that is universal.
The Heart Becomes Known as a Brain
As we receive more energy and subtle information from the sun and from the earth’s core, our own hearts become highly activated, in resonance with the flow in the universe. We either become more empathic and compassionate, and expand ourselves to understand suffering and pain and how to turn it around, or we resist the heightened sensitivity and new information and try to protect our hearts. Opening the heart brings incredible new revelations about consciousness and healing. Closing the heart brings increased heart problems and disease, heart attacks, and death. Pounding of the heart and arrhythmia will be more common. And that peculiar emotional state, courage, which is so strongly related to the heart (heart is “coeur” in French), will become a focus. We will revere courageous people and gauge ourselves more by how much heart we have, rather than how outrageous and self-centered we can be. Heart will temper the mind; it will add nuance to understanding and problem-solving and innovation. Heart will come to be seen as the wise guiding parent of the brain.
The advice I have for us for this year is to be honest, be real, be expressive of our truest motives. Listen to our heart, not the clamor in the world. Let go of all “old” thinking and let ourselves be blank instead; something authentic will soon arise in the openness. Love the sun, love the earth, as the loving consciousnesses they are. Be totally present as much as possible and remove delineations: east and west? north and south? March and April? 2011 and 2012? haves and have-nots? you and me? Experience what the merging reveals. Above all, have courage and embrace what comes as exactly what we need to evolve.