Penney Peirce’s Oracle Letter #2: Know Your Choices and Make Them Based on New Criteria

Penney Peirce
8 min readJun 3, 2020


I have used my intuitive and empathic skills for a number of years to tune in to what was happening beneath the surface of reality. With an eye toward how the transformation process is progressing, I have tried to summarize and recap the main trends I see. Reading back through these now, I see I was describing things that are still happening, but with greater intensity and clarity — today. This is the second in my series, in which I look back at 2010 and ahead to 2011. As you read, you may not be able to connect the main points to the exact time period, but you will see how the transformational trends began working and how much more real they are today.

Summing Up 2010

2010 brought a feeling of not quite being grounded here on earth, of not really being in control of our own reality. I was aware of being in this world and another world or dimension simultaneously, which made me feel oddly disengaged on the surface of things. It was a time of deep repatterning of our inner circuitry, of clearing old pain patterns and contraction patterns, by going into them. What was amazing was that people showed up to help each other at appropriate times. We practiced opening to a new way of life, to glimpses of our destiny. We built a habit of working with our thoughts and personal vibration, to keep ourselves in tune with our soul, as much as we knew how. Many also engaged with their fears and became agitated, illogical, uncompassionate, even violent.

Joy wanted to flow, pleasure wanted to take over, heart wanted to saturate our reality. But our left brain resisted mightily, distracting us at every turn, spouting many clever “yes, buts” and descriptions of worst possible scenarios and what we didn’t have. It was a struggle in which great patience and compassion for our personal growth process was necessary. This was true personally as well as politically.

We were in the first stages of changing the core vibration out of which our life would materialize. It involved tremendous persistence and willingness to break old thought habits, and to differ from friends, family, and colleagues — in spite of the fact that our new reality might require a dramatic change of form, like a new job, mate, locale, self-image, or personal regimen. In fact, many of us courageously did quite a bit of “frequency sorting,” where we chose people, places, and opportunities that matched our evolving vibration and released those that dragged us down.

Know the Difference between Old and New

2011 continues this trend, but there is added momentum, in the form of this “wind of change,” that will help us let go of the places where we’ve been stubbornly grasping. What will assist us in this greater feeling of fluidity is our growing awareness of the methods and characteristics of the “old” reality: cause-and-effect thinking, the need for will power, control and resistance, blame and judgment, distraction via fragmentation, and solutions that seem slow and prehistoric.

In contrast, we’ll get good at recognizing the signs of the new Intuition Age reality: present moment awareness, unified field consciousness, fundamental cooperation among souls to assist in each others’ evolution, more accurate direct knowing via intuition and sensitivity, more immediate materialization of what is chosen and focused on.

Wherever in yourself you have cleared your adherence to the old programming and thought habits, this year you will sail forward into opportunities that match you perfectly. You will connect with more people, be a greater influence, find deeper peace and satisfaction. You will then find more subtle challenges in terms of staying centered in your home frequency, as more people join in a collective consciousness with you, and the flotsam and jetsam of our subconscious minds mingles and bounces around.

Much of what you may be tempted to react to is not your own. You are most of the way through the clearing of old soul-blocking patterns, of holding them and identifying with them. The challenge is to let them fly by and eventually fade. Situations may now cause deep-set patterns to dramatize in our lives in tricky ways, but these are just you testing yourself to see if you can really choose to not engage with them. Will you choose Soul or be sucked back into fear and limitation? Your choice becomes your reality now.

Release the Old, Do with Less

As you move past the old habits, you will likely feel a strong need to clean house. You may be ready to give away things that have been dear to you, to release attachments to meanings, to live with less clutter and more clean slates. Old things may seem boring and irritating, as though they’re in your way, slowing your progress, and you’d rather feel unencumbered. This applies to belief systems and messages you’ve been parroting, to the story of your life and why you are the way you are, and to the ways you’ve always gotten your own way.

This goes for food as well. You may lose interest in eating so much, or in cooking and being a gourmet. Simplicity and minimalism will take the place of having to have the latest unusual foods and gizmos for the kitchen, and for all other areas of your life as well. You may see rabid consumerism and thoughtless response to advertising and fads as draining and a huge distraction from what’s essential. You may develop a desire to garden and grow vegetables in whatever space you have. You may also require less sleep, and stop protesting about not getting enough. Under all this is an attitude of walking forward to embrace what’s coming, rather than avoiding it, of trusting your own growth process and how and when each phase materializes.

Know Your Choices and Make Them Based on New Criteria

Your job is to become clear and hold the vibration of your soul in your body, emotions, and mind. When you are knocked off center, you don’t indulge in drama and complaining, but simply return to your preferred state. Drama-trauma doesn’t attract you as much. Reality TV pales, celebrities aren’t as fascinating as truly talented, regular people who show you that you can be your own version of what you admire in them.

Now, anything you’ve been postponing in your life will surface and you will need to make important life choices. Old or New? Fear and Hate or Love and Trust? No matter what other people are doing around you, don’t go over there into them, don’t copy them. Hold your own, be a thought leader, a vibration stabilizer. Be a positive influence in the lives of others; let them have a chance to feel you and choose to improve their own realities and experience, rather than you rescuing them or being a hero, or putting others in the position to save you.

This year as you move forward, you will realize that you are changing the basic criteria with which you make decisions. Your choices will no longer be based on avoiding anticipated discomfort, doing what you “should” to fit in with others of a lower vibration than you, or distancing yourself from people who cause you to examine your weak spots. Now you will choose what allows you to remain in your home frequency, what brings you deep pleasure, what creates growth and win-win-win situations for all the people involved with you, and what contributes in a very real way to the health of humanity and the planet. You will make a fundamental choice to trust your soul and the Flow, which is the expression of the needs and desires of all souls.

Losses Precipitate Growth

As you become clear, you may have losses that force you to change, or you may shift deliberately into the new. You may begin to have an active positive imagination and visions, and become excited about possibilities. You’ll know when it’s time to act. At the same time there are many people who are not as far along in the transformation process as you are, and they will continue to experience drama as fear patterns surface to be cleared. This plays out in vitriolic political rhetoric and conflict, the economy, and in increasing violence and hatred. Society will seem to be running amuck, even as you are feeling better and better.

We will see bizarre weather patterns as global warming creates extreme weather shifts around the world, and stable ecosystems change quickly, often with a negative affect on wildlife. We may see the extinction of several species. Farming areas will experience the beginning of the difficulties that are to come in terms of drought. India, as well as China and the American Midwest seem affected. There will be many storms, and the likelihood of increased volcanic activity, both under the ocean (which may result in tsunamis) and on land. The northwest of the United States may be affected. There will be more plane crashes, more events where people die en masse.

We may also see the beginnings of solar flare activity that will intensify over the next two years, and which may cause temporary blackouts and power failures. This should serve as a wakeup call to those who are over-dependent on the internet and cell phones. Computing in the “cloud” could prove dangerous.

Innovations and Breakthroughs Solve Pressing Problems

On a brighter note, there will be a rash of inventions and innovations that will improve the quality of life for poverty-stricken cultures (like water purification), that will lead to new energy sources, and that will make breakthroughs in medicine. Healing with sound and vibration will gain credibility with the medical establishment and Florida is likely to be a place where these new developments will be concentrated. Many progressive ideas, good ideas, will be stalled this summer, however, as resistance to change and desire for preservation of old power structures escalates.

Escalating Violence and Threat of Revolution

There is likely to be a series of violent events toward the end of summer, perhaps a terrorist attack, perhaps riots that are government- or race-induced, perhaps caused by the rise to power of dangerous leaders, a dramatic increase in oil prices, and a series of natural disasters, that taken together may cause a contraction in financial markets — even though there are positive signs of economic growth. It may take the intensity of the negativity to bring forth truly inspired leaders who can rally people and inspire them to find a better way. Revolution and Evolution are closely tied; wherever there is the frustrated flow of evolution, revolution is likely to occur.

Overall, however, many people will make great strides in their transformation process, approaching states of enlightenment. There will be an increase in people who are teaching, training, coaching, advising, traveling around the world to assist others, and developing useful methods for moving people into revelatory states of awareness.



Penney Peirce
Penney Peirce

Written by Penney Peirce

Penney Peirce is a respected clairvoyant empath, counselor, lecturer/trainer & author of 10 books. Her main topics are intuition, perception & transformation.

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