Hurting Others with Energy: Part 3
by Penney Peirce
You may have noticed that the vibration of our planet and body has been steadily increasing. This causes us to become more ultrasensitive and empathic. We feel more. We’re learning to live by and use “frequency principles” — the way energy and awareness actually work — and we are penetrating into the reality of the Golden Rule. We are realizing why it is the core truth in every religion, and are discovering more subtle ways we hurt each other and ourselves — with energy. Today, because we can feel the more nuanced repercussions of negative thought and behavior, what used to be glossed over as “nothing much” is now being understood to be as detrimental as the seven deadly sins.
Experiencing the Pain of Not Living by the Golden Rule
These days, because we are becoming ultrasensitive and empathic, we’re becoming aware that we can hurt each other in many ways that are much more subtle than the rape, pillage, and murder of yesteryear, and the mental, emotional, and sexual abuse of yesterday. Even choosing a closed-hearted reality over an open-hearted one can hurt our loved ones. When we live in pain, our loved ones feel the pain along with us, and are especially hurt by the fact that nothing they do seems to help.
Righteousness based on ego causes pain: There’s a difference between righteousness based on alignment with universal principles, which are harmonious and true, and righteousness based on the need to maintain familiar traditions and belief systems that have become outmoded. The former arises from love and wisdom, the latter from fear and clouded perception. When identity becomes linked with ego, change and evolution can seem super-threatening. Then, “It’s my way or the highway.” When you foist your own beliefs on an entire population, just to be right, you hurt others in unspeakable ways. Taking away women’s rights, for example, or blindly electing a dictator to run your country, or making it a crime to voice an opinion counter to that dictator — not only hurts people emotionally and mentally, but it can be life-threatening as well.
Greed causes pain: When we believe we must hoard, we cannot give love, so intent are we on “getting,” and this hurts others. And when we selfishly take opportunities away from others, we never experience how they might choose to help us of their own free will, and we deprive them of the opportunity to feel their own generosity. And when we believe we never have enough, that our self-worth is based on riches, we often miss the experience of our spiritual roots, of our soul’s inherent abundance, and ease of creating any reality we desire — and this adds to the false idea that the physical world is a place of suffering, and prolongs our collective misery.
Envy causes pain: When we think someone else is better than we are, or when we mimic them, we stall the expression of our own unique talents and destiny, which others may need. Simultaneously, when we project too much admiration or resentment onto a talented self-expressive person, they may telepathically sense there is something wrong. How many people have kept themselves small because they might eclipse the reality of a family member or partner?
Be kind whenever possible.
It’s always possible.
—The Dalai Lama
When we allow ourselves to vent in repeating waves of rage, we hurt others: We are indulging in feelings of frustration. Our frustrations come from a belief that something outside us has more power than we do, and can prevent us from expressing ourselves freely. Of course it is we who set up the definitions and circumstances that deprive us of the right to free self-expression in the first place, we who grant power to others to tell us who we can or cannot be. And we are the only ones who can entitle ourselves once again to the full self-expression of our soul. No outside condition or person really has anything to do with it but we allow ourselves to wound others who aren’t really at fault: Why?
The Importance of Remorse and Atonement
The new Intuition Age is bringing us a direct experience of the “rules” of how the unified field and Spirit operate. We are coming to see that the current mental and emotional behaviors we accept as normal are actually prehistoric. We’re beginning to feel ashamed. Soon we will want to make amends and embrace transformation rather than continue to avoid facing the music, because to avoid atonement — the return of the state of being at-one — will be too painful.
Feeling remorse without the need to punish oneself, or simply acknowledging a dysfunctional pattern without identifying totally with it, is the turning point, after which transformation can occur. There are a variety of words that describe this key part of the reclamation of the true self: acknowledgment, contrition, regret, repentance, penitence, compunction, ruefulness, pangs of conscience, reconciliation, reckoning, facing consequences, coming to grips with, and feeling the implications of one’s actions. Once this practice of radical honesty takes place, then forgiveness — or letting things be the way they are — can occur. After that, when the negative charge is gone, a new choice to act differently arises naturally. The heart opens. In the present moment, pain is gone and there is freedom to be new.
I know people who refuse to apologize for bad behavior in spite of the fact that they know they’ve wounded the people they love most — people who refuse to admit they might want to change or might need help in doing so, because their ego feels it must maintain control and a superior position to avoid feeling unworthy. Unfortunately, because of this ignorance, they remain isolated and encapsulated in a shell of invulnerability, unable to truly open to the gracious, lucky, and love-filled reality their heart would like to gift them with. And I must admit, I am disappointed with them for depriving me of their true magnificence. But, really, what is so hard about turning a corner?
We rise by lifting others.
—Robert Ingersoll
Internal Pledge to Do No Harm
I believe we are approaching the time when each of us will voluntarily commit to becoming harmless because we feel the very personal repercussions of holding pain, avoiding pain, and creating more pain and suffering in the world. That means, “I will not allow myself to act from a closed heart; I will not demean, abuse, or injure another person, animal, or plant.” No more excuses. No more postponement. Now is the time to choose a spiritually based, compassionate way of being in the world. And conversely, we must also pledge to not take on and hold feelings of being harmed, or to identify ourselves as victims, or to live with any form of self-sacrifice.
You stop the cycle of pain by not participating in it. It’s time to really get it that when you hurt another you hurt yourself, in so many ways. Soon you’ll feel the hurt, instantly, when you hurt another, in even the most subtle way. This doesn’t mean you don’t stand up for yourself or say what you need. It doesn’t mean you don’t protect your loved ones from danger, or speak truth to power. Doing no harm does not equate with being wimpy. And having caused harm doesn’t mean you should be so ashamed that you punish yourself or even commit suicide. That’s an extreme negative polarity that solves absolutely no problems spiritually.
When you remain isolated and encapsulated in a limited worldview, not trusting the Flow, not enjoying what others spontaneously bring out in you, not indulging in the joy of surprise, you freeze a spot in the unified field. You distort the Flow, and hurt others who need the Flow to both supply them with inspiration and support, and take their expressions and contributions to others who can use these effluvia. What’s needed is a softening of the heart, permission granted to the spontaneous waves, and trust given to a higher loving wisdom, to which we all belong.
I invite you to examine the subtle ways you withhold love, or withhold yourself, or refuse to receive, or judge what comes to you, or demean the life of others or of yourself. These are all ways we’ve learned to act when our hearts are closed. And these are all ways we hurt each other with energy. Then I invite you to open back up to feel your own gentle, kind, enthusiastic, cooperative way of being in the world. Make a choice to do no harm.