From Polarization to Paradox: Eclipsing the Old Dynamics of Struggle

Penney Peirce
7 min readMay 20, 2020


by Penney Peirce

Under the surface of the world of current events the energy is swirling and rippling. The frequency of the world is increasing dramatically, and that frees both fear and the desire to contribute positive creations to the world. So this is a “bridge time” when polarization and the negative use of duality come front and center and grab our attention so we can examine our unhealthy habits of thinking and behaving. We need to clear these old limiting habits to move into enlightened creativity.

How self-defensive and reactionary are you? How prone to blaming others? Controlling others? Being controlled? Are you so irritated that your temper is hair-trigger sensitive? Or are you sinking into a depressive oblivion because it’s all too much to comprehend, let alone do something about? We all backslide into these contracted states, but it’s high time we learned how to get out of them!

As factions line up against each other and the media shows us the worst in human nature, I look out my window and see a single freesia flower, blooming a bright school-bus yellow. It has somehow found its way to the middle of my dormant, early spring vegetable garden where it makes a bold but tiny statement that inspires me. It is one of God’s simple creatures, like me, and it is being itself with panache, in spite of everything going on in the world. It is my teacher in these panic-laden times, reminding me to hold true to what I know in my heart, and SHINE OUT.

It is so easy right now to be drawn offsides and caught in the sticky spider web of news and political lies, and to use others as objects of our own frustration. Unfortunately, Us-Against-Them is just another form of ego; our country is setting a poor example for individuals around the world, as so many are feasting on hostility thinly veiled as self-righteousness but acting with brutal rejection and ridicule. Our leader shows us that it’s OK to rudely blast and flatten people when we don’t like the way they look, the choices they make, or the beliefs they hold.

Because the external world is so seductive in its fear-laden drama, we have to be even more focused on going inside ourselves to feel the intangible currents of energy and throught-streams circulating in the subtle energy realms. These subtle buildups and releases of electromagnetic force affect us directly, from the inside.

Living with the Buzz and Fuzz

In recent weeks, for example, I’ve experienced disturbed sleep patterns; my system builds up an electrical charge that manifests in my sleep as a jittery, jumpy buzz. That shifts to a more emotional expression and becomes subliminal anxiety that rises into my mind and wakes me to recycling worries. When I realize I‘m awake, and obsessing about being a bag lady, I sit up and tell myself: “You don’t have to think about this or do anything about this right now.” That helps a little.

I realized the fear thoughts rode in on the buzzy vibration, which may well have been a current of collective fear caused by an incoming wave of accelerating planetary energy. So, the quality of your thoughts may simply be a reflection of the vibration of your body. How tense and contracted are you? Softening and calming your muscles and cells goes a long way toward helping you stay clear.

I’ve also been experiencing a spacey quality during the day — something I call being “bi-located”—where I feel like I’m hanging onto my body by a thin thread, up to my eyeballs in water and barely staying afloat. I’m working at my desk or doing laundry, but a large part of me is also elsewhere, paying attention to something at a higher level. In the past, this has often been connected to a big wave of energy coming into consciousness, and sometimes a coming global event, and I’m picking up on it before it materializes. Pay attention to your body! Like animals sensing changes in barometric pressure or pending earthquakes, our bodies are highly sensitive to undercurrents.

Once you can receive your body’s subtle signals, you can choose to attune yourself either to the anxiety energy (which may feel jazzy and dramatic but soon wears you down and numbs you) or re-establish your own clear, calm, core vibration — your “home frequency” or the peace of the soul. One level away from the turbulence, your soul is in harmony with all things, just like the freesia flower in my garden. Go there as often as possible throughout the day. From here you can find clarity about the worries. This place offers a new integrated view of life and shifts you from either-or to both-and consciousness. Being able to hold paradox is a great skill and often suddenly reveals a higher vision of what’s possible.

The Third Way

You don’t have to take sides, choose between good and evil (and figure out which is which); just BE YOURSELF. This is the third way, the path that eclipses and collapses the struggle mentality. This is the third point of the triangle, looking down at the bottom line with its two opposing endpoints. From the third point on the triangle, you see clearly and neutrally. You see how the two previously opposed positions are part of a larger integrated reality. From here you are the true self, which is in the present moment, in the body, and all throughout space, and you can know all human behaviors from a higher view. You perceive from peacefulness.

Peace is something we don’t need to create; it already exists as the harmonious foundation of life. We can simply allow it to resurface into our conscious mind. And then we understand that peace is not a passive, static state where we all walk around wearing yellow smiley-face masks. Peace is dynamic, a rocking and flowing back and forth among gazillions of possibilities, the embracing of the paradox of both-and, and many-and.

If we can be equally humble and self-assertive, generous and receptive, serious and fun-loving, talkative and silent, analytical and artistic, and so on, discovering the myriad filters for our consciousness, we will be able to know our totality to a greater and greater degree. Human evolution and the larger part of our purpose in life may simply be to experience everything and not cut ourselves off from well-roundedness by holding either-or opinions.

A Greater Sanity Is at Work

So before you act in resistance to something, allow yourself to drop into your body, open your capability to accept everything that exists in the world, and grant every human being the same right to BE that you have. Feel the souls in the center of their lives. Dissolve the panic, dump the vitriol and venom, and affirm that at some deeper level that we cannot comprehend right now, a greater sanity is at work. Dedicate yourself to that sanity, which works unceasingly, methodically, and miraculously to evolve us to our eventual enlightened state.

As the author of a book about the dynamics of the present moment, I can appreciate Eckhardt Tolle’s insight that when we reject what’s coming to us from the world, and say NO, we simply reinforce our contracted, ego-based idea of ourselves. But when we allow and accept what comes, and say YES, we naturally expand and begin to experience ourselves as spacious and much more unlimited. Polarity cuts off flow and intuition. Paradox and both-and thinking promotes them.

The current trend toward the eventual loss of ego can be subliminally frightening, and may be why we reject so much of the world. Self-preservation and survival of the old Me-Against-You identity is going through its death throes now, and making quite a racket. All I know is to say yes, allow, fall into soul, find the deep dynamism, then re-emerge into the world of form and see what urges motivate you — that don’t have a “should” attached.

It doesn’t matter what you do after you return from the Soul Place, as long as you bring the vibration back with you and act from ideas that come from your truth. This is being faithful to yourself. If you’re acting in resistance to something, start over! Or you’re just contributing to the fear-based consciousness in the world. It’s possible — and necessary — for each of us to be like that first brave, authentic, bright flower of spring, adding brightness to a still sleepy world, and doing it for our own sake.



Penney Peirce
Penney Peirce

Written by Penney Peirce

Penney Peirce is a respected clairvoyant empath, counselor, lecturer/trainer & author of 10 books. Her main topics are intuition, perception & transformation.

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